Grants Received

Grants Received

Hessel School House / Avery Arts & Nature Learning Center profoundly appreciates all the grantors that have awarded grants and supported the mission of HSH/ALC.


Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC), awarded $11,250 to fund operations of Hessel School House.

Arts Midwest awarded the Hessel School House a $3,100 GIG (Grow, Invest, Gather) grant in November 2023 for the 2024 Writer’s Symposium. The grant will cover speaker fees and advertising expenses. The event will be held in June 2024.

In November 2023, Les Cheneaux Community Foundation awarded us a $3,200 grant to host the Snowy Owl Festival – a month long series of nature and arts events to celebrate the snowy owl. The event will be held in February 2024.


Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC), awarded $13,750 to fund operations of Hessel School House.

United Way of the Eastern Upper Peninsula awarded a $480 mini-grant to purchase and laminate new books for the Les Cheneaux Story Book Trail at Hessel School House.

Islands Wildlife donated $500 to help fund the Women on Ice – Intro to Ice Fishing workshop in February 2023.

Central Savings Bank donated $250 to help cover the presenter fees for the “System of Assimilation: History of Indian Boarding Schools” presentation in January 2023. They also donated $100 for the Elves Day Out. 

Michigan History Alliance grant program awarded $2,471 to improve the historic class photo display, purchase a refurbished printer, and upgrade the thermostats in the school house. 

The Americana Foundation awarded a $15,000 grant to fund the Nature Discovery  Series – Environmental Education for All Ages to provide year-round nature appreciation and conservation education to the public through Hessel School House.

Chippewa, Luce, Mackinac Conservation District awarded $1,900 to implement the “Connecting People with Nature: 2023 Conservation Education Series”. 

In May 2023, the Les Cheneaux Conservation District awarded $3,000 to help fund the advertising and presenter fees for the 2023 Writer’s Workshop series.


In the fall of 2022, Hessel School House received a $3,970 grant from the Les Cheneaux Community Foundation to support the Youth Arts Education program from January – June 2023. 

Received a $16,250 grant from Michigan Arts and Cultural Council (MACC), administered by the (EUPRPDC) for operations.

Les Cheneaux Community Foundation awarded a grant request for $5000 to bring the Missoula Children’s Theatre residency to the Les Cheneaux Area.


October — Les Cheneaux Community Foundation awarded a grant request for $2,400 for two new websites. First, for Hessel School House/Avery Arts & Nature Learning Center, the second is the Aldo Leopold Festival. In 2021, Les Cheneaux Community Foundation transferred ownership of the Leopold Festival to HSH/ALC.

May — Les Cheneaux Community Foundation awarded $3,195 to install a security light for a permanent, hard-wired parking lot. This was greatly needed to make the parking lot brighter and safer for evening events.

Les Cheneaux Arts Council awarded $3,500 towards a landscaping project that will showcase local pollinating and native plants and will provide a new home to the three bronze sculptures created by artist Andy Sacksteder, representing former Hessel School House students.

2017, 2019, 2020, 2021

Received $5,000 from The Broughton Family Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation.

2016, 2018, 2019, 2020

Received $5,000 from the Lenore Follansbee Broughton Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation.

October 2019 — 2020

Received a $4,000 grant from Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA), administered by the (EUPRPDC) for art classes and workshops at HSH for the Avery Afternoon Arts program.

October 2018 — 2020

Received $2,200 from Michigan’s Regional Prosperity Initiative and Community Development Mini-Grant Program, administered by Eastern Upper Peninsula Regional Planning & Development Commission (EUPRPDC). 

This grant helped complete a landscaping project near the main entrance on the north side of the building.

2019, 2020, 2021

Received a $4,000 matching grant from the Les Cheneaux Arts Council to support ongoing art classes held at HSH for the Avery Afternoon Arts Program, emphasizing art classes for youth.

June 1 — October 30, 2020

Received $3,000 from MCACA with support from the National Endowment for the Arts through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, for operational expenses.

October, 2020 — 2021

MCACA awarded $12,500 for an Operational Support Grant.

October, 2020

Les Cheneaux Community Foundation awarded $1,390 for the cost of two new ceiling fans in the auditorium to promote better airflow in the room and help with cooling in the summer.


Islands Wildlife provided a matching grant of $2,000 for nature programs.

Prior Grants from Les Cheneaux Community Foundation

Funds to place a cement patio at the north entrance (2017 and 2019), funds to print the community publication The Guide (2019), funds for the annual newsletter Chalk Talk mailing costs (2018), new stage curtains (2016).


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